On the Icon of ‘The Mother of God Eleousa’ from a Private Collection Exhibited in the Michael Abramov Museum of Russian Icon

Keywords: icon, Virgin Eleousa, byzantinizing painting of the 13th century, relief haloes, style, image


In the brief study of the icon in the private collection heavily worn but distinguished by high artistic quality the author comes to the conclusion that it was probably painted in the Mediterranean in the 1st half of the 13th century by an Italian artist. The use of the widespread iconography of the Virgin Eleousa and its somewhat unique stylistic features do not allow (at least at present) for a more precise attribution.

Author Biography

I. A. Oretskaia, State Institute for Art Studies

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34680/vistheo-2024-6-2-445-454

Irina A. Oretskaia 
State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3974-4176

In the brief study of the icon in the private collection heavily worn but distinguished by high artistic quality the author comes to
the conclusion that it was probably painted in the Mediterranean
in the 1st half of the 13th century by an Italian artist. The use
of the widespread iconography of the Virgin Eleousa and its somewhat unique stylistic features do not allow (at least at present) for a more precise attribution.

Keywords: icon, Virgin Eleousa, byzantinizing painting
of the 13th century, relief haloes, style, image


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About author

Irina A. Oretskaia
Cand. Sci. (Art History),
Senior Research Fellow of Byzantine Art Department
State Institute for Art Studies
5, Kozitsky Lane, Moscow, 125375, Russian Federation
E-mail: oretskaia@gmail.com

For citation:
Oretskaia I. A. On the icon of ‘The Mother of God Eleousa’
from a private collection exhibited in the Michael Abramov Museum of Russian Icon. Journal of Visual Theology. 2024. Vol. 6. 2. Pp. 445–454. https://doi.org/10.34680/vistheo-2024-6-2-445-454

Research Reports